My Home Insights

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Unlock AI support for your home. Get ways to save, exclusive insights, and ways to grow your home’s value.

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Visit Your Profile and Update Your Information

The more accurate your information is, the more we can help you.

Then get ready to claim your home!


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Claim Your Home
Discover Insights about Your Home

Once You are logged in, anywhere you see a button like the one below,

Click it to open a popup and Enter Your Address to CLAIM YOUR HOME. This will add the home to your profile and you can see details about the home, energy update information, etc…


There is also a Claim a Home button in your account profile on the first tab.

Your home’s data is safe and secure.


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View Your Claimed Home(s)

Once you have Claimed Your Home, the button will change to SEE CLAIMED HOME.

You can click this to go the Home Details and see Home Attributes, Baseline Energy costs, Rebate Offers and more!

Your claimed home will also be available in your account profile, on the first tab.


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Ask Revana

While you are logged in and browsing >> Ask Revana.

Curious if solar is worth it? Want help lowering your energy bill or troubleshooting an AC blowing hot air? Need a local professional?

Ask Revana. She knows the details about your home.


Want to know more about Revana? Read more here: Who is Revana?

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